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Needful Bacteria for Children

We, as parents, want the best for our children, but do we know what the best is? Without this knowledge, important nutritional elements could be lacking in our child’s body. The stomachs of all babies and toddlers are vulnerable. Knowing this, we have created Lactoflor Kids, which contains seven strains of probiotic bacteria, with proven extensive beneficial action.

Lactoflor Kids is a synbiotic product that combines probiotics* with natural fibres (prebiotics). Lactoflor Kids supports the immune system, restores intestinal balance, and prevents penetration of viruses and development of pathogens in order for our children to be healthy.
*Contains milk protein and lactose.


One daily sachet of LactoFlor Kids for babies and children provides one billion beneficial bacteria which help maintain a healthy stomach, facilitate appropriate and wholesome digestion, and support the immune system.

The specialised content of LactorFlor Kids comprises selected Bulgarian strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, including probiotic properties enhanced with natural fibres (prebiotics). Administered to young children, these strains particularly help gastrointestinal problems and can also assist in forming a healthy mixture of intestinal bacteria in due course, as well as maintain lasting balance in the digestive system of babies over six months of age and young children.

The intake of LactoFlor Kids also helps strengthen the immune system and is effective in remedying constipation, digestive disorders, and intestinal infections. It is also used for recovery after the use of antibiotics and for additional complaints.

Lactoflor Kids contains seven strains of probiotic bacteria: four species of lactic acid bacteria (L.helveticus, L.acidophilus, L.bulgaricus, Str.thermophilus), combined with three strains of the beneficial Bifidobacterium (B. bifidum, B. infantis, B. Longum).
Each type of probiotic microorganisms contained in LactoFlor Kids contributes to regulating gastrointestinal flora and improves children’s immunity.

More about the 7 strains:

These bacteria strengthen the protective functions of children’s bodies by stimulating the immune and digestive systems. They suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, alleviate lactose intolerance symptoms, and help prevent and stop diarrhea symptoms. It has been proved that they have a role in increasing the absorption of calcium, which is indispensable for the development and strengthening of young children’s bone systems.

This is one of the most important probiotic microorganisms which normally colonise in the small intestines. They help maintain the good condition of the gastrointestinal tract during antibiotic treatments. They also actively stimulate the immune system by decreasing children’s susceptibility to infection and allergies (rhinitis and rash).

This type of lactic acid bacteria, originating from Bulgaria, are known for their beneficial properties, worldwide. The daily intake of L.bulgaricus results in reducing intestinal infections and putrefactive proceses through the production of acids, which decrease acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. L.bulgaricus contribute to improving the absorption of dairy products and production of natual antibiotic substances, which selectively suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria. Furthermore, L.bulgaricus stimulate children’s immune systems and protect and neutralise toxins and free radicals in the body.

One of the most important probiotic functions of S.thermophilus is associated with alleviating symptoms of various gastrointestinal disorders. S.thermophilus is effectively involved in the process of breaking down lactose (milk sugar). In those suffering from lactose intolerance, taking S.thermophilus considerably helps treat this condition through the production of a significant amount of an enzyme called lactase, which breaks down lactose. S.thermophilus also has a powerful antioxidant action, protecting the body against free radicals resulting from stress, the intake of antibiotics, and other chemicals and toxins. Furthermore, S.thermophilus has an anti-tumor action, preventing nitrates from turning into carcinogenic compounds.

These populate any balanced digestive system. Bifidobacterium bifido maintain healthy intestinal microbial flora, control and suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, support digestive processes, and boost the immune system.

These beneficial bacteria produce an acid that prevents the development and colonisation of pathogenic microorganisms. They play a major role in the correct functioning of metabolism and digestion of children. B.infantis restore intestinal balance and help in cases of bloating, gas accumulation, diarrhorea, constipation, and stomach discomfort.

These restore gastrointestinal flora damage due to antibiotic treatment and after infections associated with Crohn’s disease or colitis. This strain of bacteria produces organic compounds which increase acidity in the small intestines and prevent harmful bacteria from populating it. B.longum support children’s immune protection functions and help prevent inflammatory processes, allergies, constipation, diarrhorea, and lactase deficiency.

Why are Probiotics important for Children?


Why are Probiotics Important for Children?

The human digestive system hosts more than 1,000 types of bacteria which are part of the normal microbiota.

Bacteria Belong to Three Main Groups of Microorganisms:

1. Pathogenes - which are harmful.

2. Conditional pathogens, - which under normal conditions are not able to cause disease but become pathogenic when immune protection is impaired.

3. Beneficial - which have useful effects on the body.

The ratio of these groups of microorganisms conditions normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and immune system and, consequently, human health. Today, about 70% of the global population needs some correction of intestinal microbiota.

Why is Lactoflor Kids the Ideal Product for Children?

The stomachs of children struggle with new foods and a number of bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, and medicines. With care for children, Kеndy Pharma has developed Lactoflor Kids - a special probiotic formula which efficiently aids in gastrointestinal problems in children.

Lactoflor Kids is enriched with a prebiotic component (oligofructose, the food of good bacteria), which is a natural source of fibre that facilitates digestive processes.

Lactoflor Kids is exceptionally easy to use—simply dilute with water or milk. It is colourless and taste-free. Our ultimate health begins in our stomachs, and Lactoflor Kids is a trusted aide for children’s stomachs. While caring for children’s health is comprehensive and does not entail the intake of probiotics only, probiotics provide an exceptionally strong support for the natural immune system of children and their appropriate development from an early age.


Lactoflor Opti6


is enriched with a prebiotic component (oligofructose, the food of good bacteria), which is a natural source of fibre that facilitates digestive processes.

The stomachs of children struggle with new foods and a number of bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, and medicines. With care for children, Kеndy Pharma has developed Lactoflor Kids—a special probiotic formula which efficiently aids in gastrointestinal problems in children. .

Other Products

Lactoflor offers a full range of combined synbiotic products (prebiotics and probiotics) that contain selected strains of lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium ssp. Lactoflor is available in chewable tablets, capsules, or soluble sachets for children.