Balance Your Body
Needs Each Day
Have you thought about how your lifestyle effects your body? A number of factors of
our daily environment may affect the contents of our intestinal micro-environment, some of which are
strongly influenced by our daily diet, exposure to toxins from the environment, alcohol, smoking, and
use of antibiotics or other medications. Other factors—including genetics—are unfortunately beyond our
Did you know that intestinal microbiota is an organ in and of itself? We need to take care of our
microbiota because it plays a key role in our daily body functions and long-term health. Laсtoflor
BioPlus is a Bulgarian synbiotic of a new generation which contains 7 strains of lactic acid bacteria
(with high biological activity) and prebiotic (inulin) that improves digestion. The special Bulgarian
strain, Lactobacillus bulgaricus LKZ-200, has been isolated from Geranium sanguineum. The roots of this
herb contain polyphenolic compounds, which directly attack viruses by bonding to their envelope and
blocking their aggressive mode of action. BioPlus restores and maintains the balance of intestinal
microbiota by creating a favourable environment for the growth of good bacteria.